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Your X-Ray diffraction solutions Fast simultaneous real-time XRD data

3674 views - 12-07-2017, 3:31 pm

Thermo Scientifc™ ARL ™ EQUINOX XRD product portfolio is designed to meet structural and phase analysis requirements in both industrial and research laboratories. Our benchtop XRD systems are ideal and cost-effective solutions for routine QC/QA in industrial labs and for teaching in small size university colleges. Our more advanced and flexible platforms are designed for research labs dealing with nanomaterials, pharmaceuticals and other applied materials


Our XRD instruments feature a unique position sensitive curved detector for real-time simultaneous acquisition of full pattern, allowing for faster analysis, in situ experimentations, and crystalline phase development/alteration mapping.


ARL EQUINOX 100 and 1000 benchtop series

• No external cooling needed for microfocus source systems (for ARL
• No motorization required (no maintenance)
• Acquisition in real time over 110° 2Theta
• Easy, no re-alignment needed, exchange of sample introduction options
• Simple 110 V power requirement to a full 3 kW power source
• Capable of performing reflection or transmission analysis, automatic sample changing, capillary sample analysis, thin layer analysis, temperature manipulation, atmospheric control, Gandolf camera.


ARL EQUINOX 3000, 5000 and 6000 series

• Multiple primary beam options; mirrors to monochromatic flters to combinations of both; various sample holders
• Various area detectors available for increased resolution
• Capable of XRD experiments for real-time structural changes (temperature, pressure, and controlled environment)
• Four-circle goniometer measurements for stress and texture analysis: all pole fgures in one experiment


Ultra-rugged and reliable XRD systems

ARL EQUINOX series can be utilized for laboratories ranging from infeld analysis to mobile labs to production control and central laboratories. This XRD technology allows for greater flexibility and quicker inprocess response times.


Should you need further information or advice, please do not hesitate to contact:

Redstar Vietnam Co., ltd

Hotline: 091 5567 885; Email:






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