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248 views - 11-05-2015, 1:51 pm


 *EDX elemental mapping will reveal that Al is a contaminated element and it can be determined as tremolite.


Direct observation and analysis are possible without ashing or metal coating. 
To identify asbestos types, not only share image information but also EDX analysis is needed. Usually it is determined by detecting existing elements and the ratio, but contaminated elements may be detected which may confuse the result. In that case it is essential to utilize EDX elemental mapping function. 
On the data, the specimen may be mistaken as a rock wool because Mg, Al, Si, & Ca are detected but EDX elemental mapping will reveal that Al is a contaminated element and it can be determined as tremolite.
Bruker Quantax70 enables to conduct point analysis and elemental mapping simultaneously which takes a very short analysis time and it is very efficient measurement.

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