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Leica EM PACT2

State: Out of stock
Leica EM PACT2 cho phép quan sát các mẫu vật sinh học dạng lỏng và các mẫu vật công nghiệp gần với trạng thái tự nhiên bằng cách giữ gìn thông tin độ phân giải cao của hiển vi điện tử hóa mô miễn dịch, các phần hydrat hóa lạnh đông, và bẻ gãy lạnh đông mẫu.
Warranty: 12 tháng

Price: Contact us

  • Delivery time: 8h00 - 18h00 daily
  • Genuine product, provided width CO, CQ
  • 03 months of free warranty for consumable and accessories
  • 12 months of free warranty for main equipment
  • Accessorie's price is applied only when purchased with
    main equipment
  • Contact us for any particular accessory's quotion
Email: Every day in week

High Pressure Freezer With Rapid Transfer System Leica EM PACT2


The Leica EM PACT2 is a high pressure freezing system for vitrifying samples up to 200µm in thickness without the artefacts of chemical fixation.


The Leica EM PACT2 makes it possible to observe aqueous biological and industrial samples near to native state by preserving the high-resolution information of EM immunocytochemistry, frozen hydrated sections, and freeze fractured samples.


The Leica EM RTS rapid transfer system allows correlative LM/EM experiments, taking a live specimen from light microscopes (e.g. confocal) to freezing in less than 5 seconds..


For research use only


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 Leica EM PACT2



Your Advantages


Correlative LM/EM

The EM RTS allows correlative LM/EM and time resolution experiments offering the best results for specimens where time is key.

Good structural morphology

A 30 second cycle time, especially important in conjunction with microbiopsies, allows good structural morphology to be maintained.


Automatic specimen unloading device

Automatic specimen unloading device into the LN2 bath ensures that the sample does not thaw after freezing; no crystallization contamination occurs and the specimen is protected at all times.


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