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Kính hiển vi lực nguyên tử Park NX10

Tình trạng: Liên hệ
Park NX10 produces data you can trust, replicate, and publish at the highest nano resolution. From sample setting to full scan imaging, measurement, and analysis, Park NX10 saves you time every step of the way. With more time and better data, you can focus on doing more innovative research.
Bảo hành: 12 tháng

Giá bán: Liên hệ

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  • Khung giờ giao hàng từ 8h00 - 18h00 hàng ngày.
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  • Bảo hành miễn phí 12 tháng với máy chính.
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Accurate AFM Solutions for General Research


Tall Sample 1.5 µm step height Flat Sample Atomic steps of sapphire wafer
Scan Mode: Non-contact mode, Topography from Z position sensor

0.3 nm step height, Scan Mode: Non-contact mode,
Topography from Z position sensor



Hard Sample Tungsten film Soft Sample Collagen fibril
Scan Mode: Non-contact mode, Topography from Z position sensor

Scan Mode: Non-contact mode, Topography from Z position sensor




Accurate AFM Measurement with Low Noise Z Detector


Low Noise Z Detector of Park nx10 AFM

- Key technological advance and design feature of NX platform

- Noise level is the lowest in the industry, unmatched by any other

- Used as the default topography signal

The Z detector is the key technological advance of the new NX-series AFM. It is a new type of strain gauge sensor, innovated by Park. At 0.2 Angstrom, it is the best Z-detector noise in the industry. The noise level is low enough for Z-detector to be used as the default topography signal. If we compare the new NX-series AFM with previous generation of our AFM model, XE, one can tell the difference. If the Z-detector noise is too high, one cannot clearly observe the atomic steps on sapphire wafer. The height signal from the Z detector of the Park NX AFM has the noise level, identical to that of the Z-voltage-based topography.



Accurate AFM Scan by True Non-Contact™ Mode


Park NX Series

Park NX Series


- Less tip wear = Prolonged high-resolution scan
- Non-destructive tip-sample interaction = Minimized

sample modification
- Immunity from parameter dependent results


! Quick tip wear = Blurred low-resolution scan
! Destructive tip-sample interaction = Sample damage

and modification
! Highly parameter-dependent




The Best User Convenience by Design


Easy Tip and Sample Exchange



The unique head design allows easy side access allowing you to easily snap new tips and samples into place by hand. The cantilever is ready for scanning without the need for any tricky laser beam alignment by using pre-aligned cantilevers mounted on to the cantilever tip holder.




Lightning Fast Automatic Tip Approach



Our automatic tip to sample approach requires no user intervention and engages in just 10 seconds after loading the cantilever. By monitoring the cantilever response to the approaching surface, Park NX10 can initiate an automatic fast tip to sample approach within 10 seconds of cantilever loading. Fast feedback by the high speed Z scanner and low noise signal processing by the NX electronics controller enable quick engagement to the sample surface without any user intervention. It just works, minimal user involvement required.




Easy, Intuitive Laser Beam Alignment


With our advanced pre-aligned cantilever holder, the laser beam is focused on the cantilever upon placement. Furthermore, the natural on-axis top-down view, the only one in the industry, allows you to easily find the laser spot. Since the laser beam falls vertically on the cantilever, you can intuitively move the laser spot along the X- and Y-axis by rotating its two positioning knobs. As a result, you can easily find the laser and position it on PSPD using our beam alignment user interface. From there, all you will need is a minor adjustment to maximize the signal to start acquiring
the data.



Park NX10 features


2D Flexure-Guided Scanner with 100 µm x 100 µm Scan Range High Speed Z Scanner with 15 µm Scan Range
The XY scanner consists of symmetrical 2-dimensional flexure and high-force piezoelectric stacks provides high orthogonal movement with minimal out-of-plane motion as well as high responsiveness essential for precise sample scanning in the nanometer scale. Driven by a high-force piezoelectric stack and guided by a flexure structure, the standard Z scanner has a high resonant frequency of more than 9 kHz (typically 10.5 kHz), and Z-servo speed of more than 48 mm/sec tip velocity which enables accurate feedback. The maximum Z scan range can be extended from 15µm to 40µm with the optional long scan range Z scanner.



Low Noise Position Sensors Motorized XY Sample Stage with Optional Encoders
The industry leading low noise Z detector replaces the applied Z voltage as the Topography signal. In addition, the low noise XY closed loop scan minimizes the forward and backward scan gap to be less than 0.15% of the scan range. The encoders, used on all motorized stages, enable higher positioning repeatability for accurate sample positioning. The encoded XY stage travels in 1 µm resolution with 2 µm repeatability, and the encoded Z stage, in 0.1 μm resolution with 1 μm repeatability.



Step-and-Scan Automation


Accessible Sample Holder


Using the motorized sample stage, Step-and-Scan enables user-programmable multiple region imaging. The Step-and-Scan process consists of:

1) Scan an image
2) Lift the cantilever
3) Move the motorized stage to a user defined coordinate
4) Approach
5) Repeat the scan

This automated feature increases productivity by minimizing user assistance during repetitive imaging processes.

The unique head design allows for an open side access to sample and tip. The maximum sample size one can place on the stage is either 150 mm diameter x 20 mm or 200 mm diameter x 20 mm depending on the travel range option chosen for the XY sample stage.



Expansion Slot for Advanced SPM Modes and Options


Vertically Aligned Motorized Z Stage and Focus Stage


Advanced SPM modes are enabled by simply plugging an option module to the expansion slot. The modular design of the NX-series AFM allows option compatibility throughout its product line.

The Z stage and focus stage engage the cantilever with the sample surface while constantly maintaining a clear field of vision for the user. And because the focus stage is motorized and software controlled, it has the precision necessary for transparent samples and liquid cell applications.



High Speed 24-bit Digital Electronics


Direct On-Axis High Powered Optics with Integrated LED Illumination



All NX-series AFMs are controlled and processed by the same NX electronics controller. The controller is an all digital, 24-bit high speed electronics unit, which insures the speed and accuracy of Park’s True Non-Contact ModeTM for accuracy and speed. With its low noise design and high speed processing unit, the controller is ideal for nanoscale imaging and precise voltage and current measurements. The embedded digital signal processing capability adds to the functionality and economics of our AFM solutions for advanced researchers.

24-bit signal resolution for XY and Z detectors
• 0.003 nm resolution in XY (50 μm XY)
• 0.001 nm resolution in Z (15 μm Z)

Embedded digital signal processing capability
• 3 channels of flexible digital lock-ins
• Spring constant calibration (thermal method)
• Digital Q control included

Intergrated signal access ports
• Dedicated and programmable signal input/output ports
• 7 inputs and 3 outputs


Custom designed objective lens with ultra long working distance (51 mm, 0.21 NA, 1.0 µm resolution) enables optical view with unprecedented clarity. The intuitive direct on-axis sample view from the top allows users to navigate the sample surface easily to find the target area. For a higher vision resolution the EL20x objective lens of Long Travel Head is used, which has 20 mm working distance, 0.42 NA, and 0.7 µm resolution. The enlarged sensor size of the CCD provides wide field of view of the sample without compromising the optics resolution. The software-controlled LED light source provides ample illumination onto the sample surface for clear sample observation.



Adaptable to any project


Electrical and Other Sample Characterization Modes


The wide range of scanning modes and module design of the NX series allows it to be easily tailored to the needs of any scanning probe microscopy project.


XY Scanner Single module flexure XY-scanner with closed-loop control
50 µm × 50 µm (optional 10 µm × 10 µm or 100 µm × 100 µm)
Resolution : 0.05 nm
Position detector noise : < 0.25 nm (bandwidth: 1 kHz)
Out-of-plane motion : < 2 nm (over 40 µm scan)
Motorized Stage Guided high-force flexure scanner
Scan range : 15 µm (optional 30 µm)
Resolution : 0.015 nm
Position detector noise : 0.03 nm (bandwidth: 1 kHz)
Resonant frequency : > 9 kHz (typically 10.5 kHz)
Topography noise : < 0.03 nm (0.02 nm typical)
Vision 10x (0.21NA) ultra-long working distance lens (1µm resolution)
20x (0.42 NA) high-resolution, long working distance lens (0.6 µm resolution)
Direct on-axis vision of sample surface and cantilever
Field-of-view : 480 × 360 µm (with 10× objective lens)
CCD : 1 Mpixel (pixel resolution: 0.4 µm)
NXP Dedicated system control and data acquisition software
Adjusting feedback parameters in real time
Script-level control through external programs(optional)
NXI AFM data analysis software
Signal processing ADC : 18 channels
4 high-speed ADC channels (64 MSPS)
24-bit ADCs for X, Y, and Z scanner position sensor
DAC : 12 channels
2 high-speed DAC channels (64 MSPS)
20-bit DACs for X, Y, and Z scanner positioning
Maximum data size : 4096 x 4096 pixels
Integrated functions 3 channels of flexible digital lock-in amplifier
Spring constant calibration (Thermal method, optional)
Digital Q control
External signal access 20 embedded signal input/output ports
5 TTL outputs : EOF, EOL, EOP, Modulation, and AC bias
AFM Modes (*Optionally available):  
Standard Imaging True Non-Contact AFM
PinPoint™ AFM
Basic Contact AFM
Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM)
Phase Imaging
Intermittent (tapping) AFM
Dielectric/Piezoelectric Properties* Electric Force Microscopy (EFM)
Dynamic Contact EFM (DC-EFM)
Piezoelectric Force Microscopy (PFM)
PFM with High Voltage
Magnetic Properties* Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM)
Tunable MFM
Electrical Properties* Conductive AFM
I-V Spectroscopy
Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscopy (SKPM/KPM)
SKPM with High Voltage
Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM)
Scanning Spreading-Resistance Microscopy (SSRM)
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy (STS)
Time-Resolved Photo Current Mapping (Tr-PCM)
Chemical Properties* Chemical Force Microscopy with Functionalized Tip
Electrochemical Microscopy (EC-STM and EC-AFM)
Force Measurement* Force Distance (F-D) Spectroscopy
Force Volume Imaging
Mechanical Properties* Force Modulation Microscopy (FMM)
Nanolithography with High Voltage
Piezoelectric Force Microscopy (PFM)
Optical Properties* Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS)
Time-Resolved Photo Current Mapping (Tr-PCM)
AFM Options:  
Temperature Control Heating & Cooling Stage (0~180 ºC)
250 ºC Heating Stage
600 ºC Heating Stage
Liquid Probehand Designed for imaging in general liquid environment
Resistant to most buffer solutions including acid
Contact and Non-contact AFM imaging in liquid
Magnetic Field Generator Applies external magnetic field parallel to sample surface
Tunable magnetic field
Range : -300 ~ 300 gauss
Composed of pure iron core & two solenoid coils
Liquid Cells Universal Liquid Cell
Electrochemistry Cell
Open Liquid Cell
Clip-type Chip Carrier Can be used with unmounted cantilever
Tip bias function available for Conductive AFM and EFM
Tip bias range : -10 V ~ 10 V


XY Scanner

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