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FSS - Faults Simulation System

1727 views - 01-07-2015, 9:24 am

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FSS - Hệ thống giả lập sự cố





Faults Simulation System (FSS) is a Software package that simulates several faults in any EDIBON Computer Controlled Unit. The "FAULTS" mode consists on causing several faults in the unit normal operation. The student must find them and solve them. There are several kinds of faults that can be grouped in the following sections:


● Faults affecting the sensors measurement:

    -  An incorrect calibration is applied to them.

    -  Non-linearity.


● Faults affecting the actuators:

   -  Actuators channels interchange at any time during the program execution.

   -  Response reduction of an actuator.


● Faults in the controls execution:

    -  Inversion of the performance in ON/OFF controls.

    -  Reduction or increase of the calculated total response.

    -  The action of some controls is annulled.


● On/off faults:

    -  Several on/off faults can be included.



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