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ELE International Seminars in Vietnam

1584 views - 03-01-2018, 5:06 pm

In May, ELE International, in conjunction with their distributor, Red Star Vietnam, held two informative seminars in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.


The Hanoi seminar was held at the University of Transport and Communication (UTC). The seminar focused on quality inspection and evaluation of concrete, cement and soils in the construction industry. The three guest speakers were from UTC, Dr Sang Thanh Nguyen (Head of Building Materials, Faculty of Construction and Engineering), Dr Le Thanh Ha (Building Materials, Faculty of Construction and Engineering), and Dr Nguyen Chau Lan (Geotechnical Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering).





The Ho Chi Minh City seminar was held in Bach Khoa University and this covered the quality of inspection and evaluation of concrete, cement and soils in the construction industry. The guest speakers, both from Bach Khoa University, were Professor Tran Van Mien (Head of Department of Construction Materials) and PhD Bui Duc Vinh (Department of Construction Materials).





Both seminars were attended by more than 100 participants from universities, government test laboratories, contractors, concrete and cement companies.


ELE International was represented by Vincent Cher, Regional Sales Manager for the Asia Pacific region, and Alfonso Rivera, Global Technical Department and Field Service Manager.


ELE International would like to thank the speakers and everyone from Red Star Vietnam, for organising such successful events, and all the participants for attending.


Specific Topics:

Evaluating Quality of Cement and Concrete in Vietnam Now.

Dr Sang Thanh Nguyen

Additives Binding Material for Cement and Concrete.

Dr Le Thanh Ha

Stress-strain Behaviour for Sandy Clay Sample under Dynamic Triaxial Test in Hoang Mai District, Hanoi.

Dr Nguyen Chau Lan

Methods for Assessing the Durability of Concrete-reinforced Structures.

Professor Tran Van Mien

Latest Developments on Equipment for Cement, Concrete and Soil Testing.

PhD Bui Duc Vinh


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