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183 views - 11-05-2015, 1:13 pm


BSE Image


SE Image


Mixing Image (SE + BSE)

TM3030Plus enables backscattered electron imaging and secondary electron imaging under a low-vacuum atmosphere.

The microstructure of sample surface is observed by secondary electron imaging. Backscattered electrons contain information on sample composition. With TM, metal-coating is not performed, and uncoated imaging is possible. The differences in composition and attached matters are clearly observed. TM 3030Plus also displays images of secondary electrons and backscattered electrons in the same visual field, a characteristic that enables simultaneous observation of the microstructure and provides information on the composition of the sample surface.

      What is the TM3030 Applications Biology Materials Environment Foods Cosmetics/Health Care Introduction to SEM



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Applications - Materials

Au bonding wire Ceramics LED tip (Pt evaporated)




What is the TM3030

Introduction to SEM


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