Red Star Vietnam Co., Ltd.
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Instachlor provides a practical solution for applications in chlorination, disinfection and sterilisation. Instachlor PR tablets are a range of rapid dissolving chlorine release tablets for professional applications in water treatment, disinfection and emergency chlorination. The tablets are prepared from an effervescent formulation containing sodium dichloroisocyanurate - an organic chlorine donor and dissolve rapidly when added to water to release chlorine into solution. Instachlor PR tablets provide a simple and effective means of preparing chlorine solutions of known strength for chlorination, disinfection or sterilisation purposes.
Warranty: No warranty infomation

Price: Contact us

  • Delivery time: 8h00 - 18h00 daily
  • Genuine product, provided width CO, CQ
  • 03 months of free warranty for consumable and accessories
  • 12 months of free warranty for main equipment
  • Accessorie's price is applied only when purchased with
    main equipment
  • Contact us for any particular accessory's quotion
Email: Every day in week

Chlorination of water

Instachlor PR tablets provide a convenient means of small-scale water chlorination: The tablets may be added direct to water containers, water tanks, wells or small reservoirs. The choice of Instachlor PR tablet will depend on the quantity of water to be treated.


Water tanks and distribution systems

Instachlor PR tablets can be advantageously used for the disinfection of water tanks and distribution systems. It is recommended that all storage tanks and similar systems be disinfected regularly. This includes tanks used for water supply and those associated with refrigeration or air conditioning systems, etc. Contaminated tanks have been recognised as a potential source of infection and the need for disinfection is paramount.


Sterilising and sanitising

Chlorine solutions are used extensively for sterilising or sanitising of equipment, work surfaces, plant and pipelines, etc. Application areas include food industries, pharmaceutical manufacturing plants and other situations where a germ-free environment is essential. Instachlor PR tablets provide a simple and accurate means of preparing sterilising and sanitising solutions for these applications.


Convenient tablets

Instachlor PR tablets provide a simple and effective means of preparing chlorine solutions of known strength for chlorination, disinfection or sterilisation purposes.




Additional Information

Part Code Description (NaDCC) Available Chlorine
WT406 Instachlor - PR 5 (8.5 mg). 500 tablets. 5.1 mg
WT415 Instachlor - PR 40 (67 mg). 250 tablets. 40.2 mg
WT424 Instachlor - PR 150 (250 mg). 250 tablets. 150 mg
WT442 Instachlor - PR 1000 (1.7g). 100 tablets. 1g
WT446 Instachlor - PR 1000 (1.7g). 300 tablets. 1g
WT448 Instachlor - PR 3000 (5g). 200 tablets. 3g
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