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Foreign particle detection in food supplement by SEM-EDS technique

4625 views - 09-10-2019, 9:58 am


Sample 1: Cosmetic Powder 


EDX Spectrum


  • Identify & label each elements with different colors.

  • Deconvolution of overlapping peaks (Ti & Ba) for better quantitative result.

  • Cu & Zn also been detected as trace elements.



Elemental & Intensity Mapping


Mixed SE Image
Element Map


Individual element map


Intensity Map of selected element (Ba)


Online Deconvolution


Ti and Ba distribution is



Ti and Ba are separated.


Sample 2: Foreign Particle in Food Supplement


EDX Spectrum


  • Heavy metal, Lead (Pb) is detected in the sample.

  • Deconvolution of overlapping peaks (Pb & S) for better quantitative result.



Elemental & Intensity Mapping

  • Elemental mapping of indicate distribution of foreign particle (Pb) as metal contamination.

  • C & Si appear as major elements.


  • Intensity Map of show the high concentration of Pb at foreign particle.



Sample 3: Metal Contamination in Milk Powder


EDX spectrum


  • Heavy metal, Lead (Pb) is detected in the sample.

  • Sulfur (S) is the essential major element in milk.

  • Deconvolution of overlapping peaks (Pb & S) for better quantitative result.



Elemental & Intensity Mapping

  • Elemental mapping of indicate distribution of foreign particle (Pb) as metal contamination.

  • Intensity Map of show the high concentration of Pb at foreign particle.




For more infomation, please contact:

Red Star Vietnam Co., Ltd.



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