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Real-time 3D analytical FIB-SEM NX9000

3803 views - 20-10-2015, 10:34 am


• SEM column and FIB column are orthogonally arranged to optimize column layout for 3D structural analysis.
• Combination of high brightness cold field emission electron source and high sensitivity optics support analysis of a wide

   range of materials from magnetic materials to biological tissues.
• Micro-sampling system and Triple Beam system allow high quality sample preparation for TEM and atom probe applications.


Ion milling and observation at normal incidence in real-time for true analytical imaging

The SEM column and FIB column are orthogonally arranged to realize normal incident SEM imaging of FIB cross sections.

Orthogonal column arrangement eliminates aspect deformation, foreshortening of cross sectional images and shift of FOV (Field Of View) during serial section imaging, which cannot be avoided by conventional FIB-SEM systems. The NX9000 images produced enable highly accurate 3D structural analysis. Optical correlative microscopy can be applied easily due to the benefit of surface planar EM imaging.




Sample : Mouse brain neuron

Sample courtesy of Yoshiyuki Kubota, Ph.D., Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)



Cut & See・3D-EDS*1・3D-EBSD*1 available for a wide variety of materials


Cut & See

Cut & See supports high resolution, high contrast imaging of biological tissues, semiconductors, and magnetic materials such as steel and nickel at low accelerating voltage. Serial section images can be collected with high throughput due to the proper geometry of the ion and electron column.


Sample : NAND flash memory

SEM accelerating voltage : 1 kV

Cutting interval : 1 nm

Number of cut : 300




Serial section SEM images and serial section elemental maps can be collected using 3D-EDS.

Large area silicon drift detector reduces acquisition time and enables elemental mapping at low accelerating voltage.




Sample : Fuel cell electrode

SEM accelerating voltage : 5 kV

Cutting interval : 100 nm

Number of cut : 212


Sample courtesy of Prof. Naoki Shikazono, University of Tokyo




Simultaneous SEM, FIB and EBSD signals are obtained for 3D-EBSD without moving the stage during FIB sectioning and EBSD analysis. Accuracy and throughput of 3D crystal orientation analysis and segmentation yield high quality and less post-processing correction.



Sample: Ni

SEM accelerating voltage: 20 kV

Cutting interval: 150 nm

Number of cut : 150





Hitachi patents:

US6118122, US6538254, US6828566, US7138628, US7345289, US7397050, US7397051, US7442942, US7525108, US7550750, US8198603, US8569719, US8642958, US8664598, và các bằng sáng chế khác, tính đến tháng 6 năm 2015.

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