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Kính hiển vi đồng tiêu đơn phân tử Leica TCS SP8 SMD

State: Out of stock
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- Thông tin quang phổ và tuổi thọ cùng một lúc - Kết hợp sức mạnh
- Kết quả nhanh - độ tin cậy dữ liệu tốt hơn
- Linh hoạt tối đa trong phân tích SMD
Warranty: 12 tháng

Price: Contact us

  • Delivery time: 8h00 - 18h00 daily
  • Genuine product, provided width CO, CQ
  • 03 months of free warranty for consumable and accessories
  • 12 months of free warranty for main equipment
  • Accessorie's price is applied only when purchased with
    main equipment
  • Contact us for any particular accessory's quotion
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Single Molecule Detection Platform Leica TCS SP8 SMD


Single molecule detection (SMD) and analysis is an elegant way to examine dynamics and interactions inside cellular systems. The new Leica TCS SMD Series perfectly integrates the confocal microscope Leica TCS SP8 and the SMD specific software and hardware from PicoQuant into one system.


The well proven components constitute a flexible platform for a plethora of time resolved techniques including FCS , FCCS, FLIM and FLCS. The global system control and its elegant interface open the door to a multitude of biophysical techniques which provide quantitative parameters for model building.



  Liên hệ với chúng tôi       091-5567-885


 Leica TCS SP8 SMD



Your Advantages



Global experiment control by full system integration

With the full integration of all components the user can control the complete experiment via one interface. Dedicated application wizards provide reproducible results quickly and easily. The high degree of automation allows new recording strategies. Online SMD data display and interactive feedback grants a tight control of data quality.


Spectral and lifetime information at once – Combine the power!

The combination of a Leica TCS SP8 X white light laser system with spectral FLIM detection results in a tuneable, filter free FLIM system. Highest FLIM data quality is achieved by tuning both, excitation and detection to the optimal spectral range. Using the convenience of the SMD FLIM wizard, automated FLIM excitation and detection stacks can be acquired, which is very useful to separate fluorescence of multiple stained samples and to characterize new dyes.


Quick Results - better data reliability

The online display of important statistical control parameter such as the correlation curve and fast FLIM image, the count rate, the molecular brightness or the maximal photon count number allow the continuous evaluation of the data quality during the running FCS or FLIM experiment. SMD data can be already interpreted during the measurement series.



Maximum flexibility in SMD analysis

Due to a universal SMD raw data format the very same data file can be analyzed in different ways. Depending on hardware and experimental design, both correlation and lifetime information can be extracted from a single measurement yielding a maximum of information about the sample. FCS systems can be upgraded with FLIM and vice versa to achieve the most flexible FLCS configuration.


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