Red Star Vietnam Co., Ltd.
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QUANTAX 80 is a new EDS system specially designed for the Hitachi FlexSEM1000 Microscope.

QUANTAX 80 consists of a XFlash® silicon drift detector (SDD) with the best
energy resolution in its field, a small electronics unit and an easy-to-use
ESPRIT Compact software.
Warranty: No warranty infomation

Price: Contact us

  • Delivery time: 8h00 - 18h00 daily
  • Genuine product, provided width CO, CQ
  • 03 months of free warranty for consumable and accessories
  • 12 months of free warranty for main equipment
  • Accessorie's price is applied only when purchased with
    main equipment
  • Contact us for any particular accessory's quotion
Email: Every day in week

The system performs qualitative and quantitative analyses of all materials with an element range from boron (5) to californium (98). Besides composition analysis at individual spots on the sample surface, QUANTAX 80 provides powerful line scan and spectral element mapping functions. With the customized detector, the analysis and reporting is completed within seconds.


QUANTAX 80 features:

  • High resolution data aquisition
  • Three different analysis modes: Objects, LineScan and Mapping
  • Automatic or interactive element identification starting from boron (5)
  • Accurate element quantification during acquisition
  • Display of quantitative results as atomic, weight or oxide percentage
  • Color-coded concentration distributions (element maps) for any number of elements within an arbitrary field of view including a unique live peak separation and background removal
  • Report generation and print formatting
  • Export of results to MS® Word and Excel
  • Language options: English, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese, Japanese...




ESPRIT Compact with mapping (a), report (b), line scan (c), and spectrum (d)




 Special features



Live deconvolution to separate
overlapping elements in the map,
here: silicon (top), and tungsten

Sum spectrum (grey) of maps
above and deconvoluted element
peaks for silicon (blue) and
tungsten (yellow)

Fully integrated XFlash® detector



XFlash® 630 H Detector

  • Silicon drift detector (SDD)
  • 30 mm2 active area
  • Ultra-thin window for detection of all elements starting from boron (B)
  • Energy resolution for Mn Ka ≤129 eV; energy resolution for Cu Ka ≤148 eV
  • Peltier-cooled, no liquid nitrogen or other cooling agents needed
  • No detector warm-up necessary during venting or sample changing
  • Vibration-free operation
  • Ambient temperature: 15–30 ˚C
  • Humidity: 70% RH or less
  • Dimensions: 100 x 123 x 105 mm3
  • Weight: 1.3 kg
  • Optimum working distance: 8.5 mm
  • Take-off angle: 30°
  • Solid angle: 0.0147 sr


SCU Scanning Control Unit

The SCU is a standalone device that includes a signal procesing unit (Min SVE) and a scan generator. The SCU is connected to any PC using a standard Ethernet connection.

  • Power supply: 60–240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
  • Power consumption: ≤50 W (including detector)
  • 4096 channels (2.5 eV/channel)
  • Up to 60,000 cps output count rate
  • Dimensions: 225 x 248 x 151 mm3
  • Weight: 3.7 kg
  • Interface with TM3030 laptop/PC viaGBit Ethernet


ESPRIT Compact Software

  • Automatic and manual peak ID
  • True standardless quantification with improved algorithms
  • True 64 bit version (32 bit available)
  • Maximum image/map resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels
  • Software options: Object mode (including point, rectangle, ellipse and polygon), LineScan,Hypermap, Report (including export to PDF and MS® Word), can read and process all QUANTAX 70 files
  • Free offline data processing
  • Low installation and training effort
  • Win10 compatible



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