Red Star Vietnam Co., Ltd.
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High performance cut-off wheels

State: In stock
LAM PLAN high performance cut-off wheels are available in three versions: GREEN H1, YELLOW H2 and WHITE H4.
Warranty: No warranty infomation

Price: Contact us

  • Delivery time: 8h00 - 18h00 daily
  • Genuine product, provided width CO, CQ
  • 03 months of free warranty for consumable and accessories
  • 12 months of free warranty for main equipment
  • Accessorie's price is applied only when purchased with
    main equipment
  • Contact us for any particular accessory's quotion
Email: Every day in week

These wheels were elaborated according to a well-defined specification (high quality abrasive and binder), which allows attaining high cutting performances. Usable on all cut-off machines available on the market, these cut-off wheels allow attaining such a quality level that downstream polishing operations will be shortened. Especially designed for production cutting or large dimensional cutting, they will reduce your operating costs. The constancy of the obtained results is guaranteed by a rigorous and controlled manufacturing process.

The table below contains the information to determine the cut-off wheel to be used according to the material to be cut.

High Performance cut-off wheels

Green H1 (Al2O3)




Material types

Dimensions mm

Qty / Box


Soft – Semi-hard steels

250 x 32 x1,5
305 x 32 x 2 

350 x 32 x 2,5



05 83010 40
05 83010 50

05 83010 60

Yellow H2 (Al2O3)




Treated steels – Special steels

250 x 32 x1,5
305 x 32 x 2

350 x 32 x 2,5

400 x 32 x 3




05 83020 40
05 83020 50

05 83020 60

05 83020 70

White H4 (Sic)




Non ferrous materials
Cast irons
Stainless steel

250 x 32 x1,5
305 x 32 x 2

350 x 32 x 2,5

400 x 32 x 3




05 85040 40
05 85040 50

05 85040 60

05 85040 70

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