Kính hiển vi lực nguyên tử NanoWizard nguyên bản

Streamlined design with best-in-class performance and flexibility

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NanoWizard® PURE

The NanoWizard PURE atomic force microscope combines functionality and performance in a high-value instrument. Based on the renowned NanoWizard technology platform, it delivers high-resolution imaging and nanomechanical analysis capabilities that can be seamlessly combined with advanced optical microscopy techniques.

Performance in its Essence

Renowned quality

NanoWizard PURE delivers state-of-the-art functionality:

  • Unique 3D tip-scanning with capacitive sensor technology
  • PeakForce Tapping and QI modes for high-resolution imaging and advanced force control on delicate samples
  • Intuitive operation and automated routines, analysis, and data processing capabilities provided by latest V8 software environment

Unrivalled excellence in its class

Equipped with innovative hardware and software features, the NanoWizard PURE is ideal for laboratories wishing to expand their research capabilities with cutting-edge correlated microscopy techniques, whether for experienced users or those new to AFM.

The unparalleled modularity of the NanoWizard platform provides outstanding versatility. Its easy handling and user-friendliness make it deal for multi-user imaging facilities.

  • Discover attractive default configurations for biological and standard applications that offer best value solutions and capabilities
  • Keep apace of technological advances with new modules and features that match your research requirements
  • Upgrade paths to Bruker BioAFM premium NanoWizard product lines

Superior flexibility

NanoWizard PURE provides innovative research capabilities across a range of scientific fields, from the investigation of highly delicate biological samples, living cells, single molecules, and tissues, to the quantification of nanomechanical properties and study of polymers, soft matter, and advanced materials.

Correlated QI and optical images of live 3T3 fibroblast cells in cell culture medium at 37°C. Cell nuclei and actin fluorescently labelled with Hoechst 33342 and CellMask™ Green Actin Tracking, respectively. DirectOverlay semi-transparent superimposition of fluorescence images with optical phase contrast and QI scan. Scan size: 50μm × 70μm. Height range: 4μm (brown); Young’s modulus range: 20kPa (blue). Sample courtesy of Dr. Wedepohl, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.

DNA nanostructures imaged with PeakForce Tapping in buffer using Bruker PEAKFORCEHIRS-F-B probe.
Scan size: 300nm × 300nm; Height range: 2nm.


PeakForce Tapping image of amyloid fiber Aβ(1-42) on mica in PBS with Bruker FASTSCAN-D probe.
Scan size: 650nm × 240nm; Height range: 10nm.

Outstanding Versatility and Range of Accessories

Maximum functionality

An extensive choice of modes, add-ons, and accessories provide additional capabilities over a wide variety of applications. NanoWizard PURE can be seamlessly combined with advanced optical techniques, such as confocal and super-resolution microcopy, and structured illumination techniques (SIM) for precise correlated measurements and enhanced analysis capabilities.

Explore a broad spectrum of features and options, such as:

  • Extensive optical integration options, e.g., DirectOverlay 2, DirectTiling, and accessories for operation on inverted optical microscopes
  • PeakForce QNM and QI advanced options for quantitative nanomechanical analysis
  • Force spectroscopy ramp designer
  • ExperimentPlanner
  • Nanolithography and Nanomanipulation
  • MFM, EFM
  • Latest ease-of-use features

NanoWizard PURE Bio (right) and Standard (left) configurations at attractive rates – see price list (Bio configuration shows optional accessories).

Stained peripheral nerve tissue from Mus musculus. DirectTiling of optical images superimposed with QI scan using DirectOverlay. Scan size: 100μm × 100μm. Height range: 50nm. Sample courtesy of Dr. Macgregor-Fairlie, Charité Berlin, Germany, & R. Doherty and C. Griffiths, University of Southampton, UK.

Enhanced adaptability

NanoWizard PURE can be customized to meet the specific demands of individual users, samples, and applications. It is ideal for interdisciplinary research facilities and collaborative scientific environments. Extend your research capabilities with options, such as:

  • Kelvin Probe Microscopy
  • Conductive AFM
  • Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
  • Cytosurge FluidFM® technology
  • Contact Resonance AFM
  • Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
  • Scanning Thermal AFM
  • Electrochemistry and SECM with temperature control and full optical access
  • Micropipette capabilities

New easy to use Cantilever Holder with Hinge Clip option, biocompatible and multicompartment compatible.

Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM) of a ferroelectric polymer thin film (P(VDF-TrFE)) on a gold back electrode on silicon. A sequence of voltage pulses was generated from a bitmap template (black = +20V, white = 0V) to write the logo into the piezoelectric polarization of the sample. Scan size: 45μm × 10μm. Vertical PFM-amplitude range: 150pm.


Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) scan of different magnetic domain patterns on a hard disc close to an intersector gap. Scan size: 8.5μm × 5.8μm MFM phase range: 2deg.