Đầu dò Nion HERMES

Ultra-High Energy Resolution Monochromated EELS STEM

Liên hệ

Đặt hàng Yêu cầu báo giá
  • Better than 5 meV energy resolution
  • High brightness cold field emission gun (CFEG)
  • Dispersing-undispersing monochromator
  • Open-source Python-powered control software
  • UHV construction
  • Ultra-stable Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) with direct-detection option
S(q, w) diagram of phonon dispersion curves in hexagonal Boron Nitride at two different temperatures

S(q, w) diagram of phonon dispersion curves in hexagonal Boron Nitride at two different temperatures (parallel acquisition)

Nion HERMES Specifications

Feature Benefit
< 5 meV energy resolution at 30 kV (< 6 meV at 60 kV) Resolve fine differences in EELS spectral edges
Large energy range of up to 2 keV at 200 kV Collect all elements in one EELS spectrum
Correction of all fifth-order axial aberrations Larger probe angles, higher beam current
Every operation can be performed remotely Remote operation with no local assistance
Friction-free, centro-symmetric sample stage Ultra-precise sample motion, freedom from drift
Double tilt sample holder using ball bearings Backlash-free, ultra-precise tilting
Fast electrostatic beam blanker Avoids sample damage when not collecting data
5th-order-corrected EELS optics >50 mr acceptance semi-angles, more efficient analysis
Microscope column is entirely ion-pumped Minimizes sample contamination and etching
Column uses only metal vacuum seals Sample vacuum typically <1×10-9 torr
Whole column bakeable to 140°C Minimizes sensitivity to stray AC fields
Double μ-metal shielding of entire column Column can be reconfigured after installation
Self-diagnosing electronics Rapid remote servicing