FilmTek 2000
The FilmTek™ 2000 is a benchtop spectroscopic reflectometer equipped with a fully automated stage and designed for rapid, reliable, and accurate characterization of nearly any unpatterned thin film. Fully customizable wafer mapping capabilities rapidly generate 2D and 3D data maps of any measured parameter. Capable of simultaneous determination of multiple film characteristics within a fraction of 1 second per site. With optional transmission capability, the FilmTek 2000 becomes a FilmTek 3000. The FilmTek 3000 combined reflection-transmission spectrophotometer provides efficient and accurate transmission and reflection measurement of unpatterned films deposited on transparent substrates. It is ideally suited for measuring the thickness and optical constants of very thin absorbing films.
Measurement Capabilities
Enables simultaneous determination of:
- Multiple layer thicknesses
- Indices of refraction [ n(λ) ]
- Extinction (absorption) coefficients [ k(λ) ]
- Energy band gap [ Eg ]
- Composition (e.g., %Ge in SiGex, % Ga in GaxIn1–xAs, %Al in AlxGa1-xAs, etc.)
- Surface roughness
- Constituent, void fraction
- Crystallinity/Amorphization (e.g., of Poly-Si, GeSbTe films)
- Film gradient
System Components
- DUV-NIR fiber-optic spectrophotometer
- Spectroscopic reflection measurement
- Automated stage
- Advanced material modeling software
- Bruker’s generalized material model with advanced global optimization algorithms