~ 4eV
FWHM for Si-Kα
Superior energy resolution by over an order of magnitude
< 100 ppm
Detection limit for numerous elements High trace element accuracy and precision
> 900cps/nA
Count rate for C-Kα with an 80 Å multilayer
High sensitivity for low-energy X-rays
Complement Your SEM with the Benefits of an Electron Probe Micro Analyzer
- The QUANTAX WDS (WDX) for SEM consists of the XSense wavelength dispersive spectrometer yielding the best resolution among all parallel-beam WDS systems. The large solid angle, due to the parallel-beam design, results in a much higher signal intensity for low-energy X-rays compared to a Rowland-circle based WDS spectrometer.
- The high signal-to-noise ratios that are characteristic for WDS are further enhanced by a unique secondary optic that suppresses background artefacts.
- Equipped with the finest grazing incidence optic and up to six analyzer crystals, the QUANTAX WDS has a superior sensitivity for low energy X-rays from 70 eV upwards.
- An ingenious automatic optic alignment system and a unique pressure-controlled proportional counter ensure accurate and reproducible results.
- Flexible adaptation to either a WDS or EDS port.
WDS on SEM – a Perfect Solution for Demanding Analytical Applications
- Resolve common EDS peak overlaps such as Ta-W-Si, Pb-S, or Mo-S
- Explore low-energy X-ray line series (L, M, N) for the elements of interest
- Examine samples with low acceleration voltages to ensure a minimal depth of penetration
- Obtain the highest cps/nA due to the high solid angle that enables light elements investigation from Be to F across the entire concentration range
- Determine trace element concentrations far below the limits of detection of an EDS
- Measure at low vacuum without the necessity of a conductive coating
- Save time on analytical measurements with a unique pressure-controlled proportional counter
- Ensure spatial accuracy of the spectral data for precise quantification
- Save acquisition time with simultaneous WDS and EDS analysis that incorporates the benefits of each detector in the combined quantification