Hysitron TI 990 TriboIndenter
The Hysitron TI 990 TriboIndenter achieves remarkable advances in control and throughput capabilities, testing flexibility, applicability, measurement reliability, and system modularity — enabling more and better research than previously possible.
Powerful Base Configuration

Hysitron TI 990 TriboIndenter base model configuration
- Dual piezo scanners for in-situ SPM imaging
- High-resolution, color optics
- Exclusive low-noise 2D capacitive transducer
- Metrology-grade granite framing for test stability
- Integrated active anti-vibration system
- Performech III controller
- Vibration-dampening base with 50x improved noise immunity
- Multi-layered environmental isolation enclosure
- Top-view sample-chuck imaging
- Property mapping with XPM II ultrahigh-speed nanoindentation
- Dynamic nanoindentation
- Modular enclosure with customizable panels
- Universal sample chuck
- High-precision, motorized/automated stage with 60% more testable area