Hệ thống thử nghiệm cơ học Hysitron TI 990 Tribolndenter

The world’s most comprehensive nanomechanical testing with unmatched performance
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Hysitron TI 990 TriboIndenter

The Hysitron TI 990 TriboIndenter achieves remarkable advances in control and throughput capabilities, testing flexibility, applicability, measurement reliability, and system modularity — enabling more and better research than previously possible.

Powerful Base Configuration

Diagram of Hysitron TI 990 TriboIndenter base model configuration

Hysitron TI 990 TriboIndenter base model configuration
  1. Dual piezo scanners for in-situ SPM imaging
  2. High-resolution, color optics
  3. Exclusive low-noise 2D capacitive transducer
  4. Metrology-grade granite framing for test stability
  5. Integrated active anti-vibration system
  6. Performech III controller
  7. Vibration-dampening base with 50x improved noise immunity
  8. Multi-layered environmental isolation enclosure
  9. Top-view sample-chuck imaging
  10. Property mapping with XPM II ultrahigh-speed nanoindentation
  11. Dynamic nanoindentation
  12. Modular enclosure with customizable panels
  13. Universal sample chuck
  14. High-precision, motorized/automated stage with 60% more testable area