Red Star Vietnam Co., Ltd.
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Mini tensile tester, 200N compression & horizontal bending stage

State: Out of stock
MICROTEST 200N modules have been specifically designed to allow real time observation of the high stress region of a sample with an SEM, optical microscope, AFM or XRD system. Windows XP/7.0 software sets drive parameters and displays the stress/strain curve live on the computer screen. Loadcells from 2N to 200N cover most applications, with extension rates from 0.1mm/min to 15mm/min. All stages have linear scales for elongation measurement and optical encoders for speed control. Options include three and four point bending clamps, fibre clamps and microscope mounting adaptors. All modules are controlled from our Microtest tensile testing software and special versions can be manufactured to customers requirements.
Warranty: 12 tháng

Price: Contact us

  • Delivery time: 8h00 - 18h00 daily
  • Genuine product, provided width CO, CQ
  • 03 months of free warranty for consumable and accessories
  • 12 months of free warranty for main equipment
  • Accessorie's price is applied only when purchased with
    main equipment
  • Contact us for any particular accessory's quotion
Email: Every day in week

Standard 200N stage


The 200N tensile stage uses standard minature loadcells in the range 2N to 200N. Samples are mounted horizontally, clamped to a pair of jaws and supported on stainless steel sliding bearings. A dual threaded leadscrew drives the jaws symmetrically in opposite directions, keeping the sample centred in the field of view. The 200N module is ideally suited for use with an SEM, optical microscope or AFM and will easily fit on most stages. Custom versions are available with heating/cooling, extended specimen length and stage travel.


200N stage with petri dish


A version of the 200N stage is available to test specimens while submerged in a liquid (as shown on the right). Specimens are prepared and mounted to the jaws away from the stage and then moved across on a special transfer jig. As an option a peltier temperature controller can be fitted to set the liquid temperature between 10C and 50C. Observation of the specimen would normally be by optical microscope fitted with a submersible lens.


200N stage with peltier heating & cooling


The heating and cooling version of the 200N stage has been designed to provide temperature control from -20C to +160C. A temperature controlled pad is located directly under the specimen and temperature is set using a small peltier element. System control and water cooling is from the Deben Coolstage control system which has a self contained water chiller and allows accurate temperature control with either keypad or PC control.

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