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Free report: Surface Inspection of challenging materials made easy

2564 views - 15-09-2015, 4:13 pm

Báo cáo mở: Kiểm tra bề mặt vật liệu khó một cách đơn giản


Free report: Surface Inspection of challenging materials made easy


Rapid and Precise Surface Inspection on Hard-to-Image Samples in the Automotive Industry


Visual inspection of surface flaws and defects is an essential part of product quality control and assurance as well as failure analysis. In the automotive industry, microscopists may be challenged with samples that are difficult to image, for example, parts that have a special material composition. They bear a great risk to yield images with poor contrast, making it difficult to measure or see flaws in quality analysis:


This report shows how the Leica DVM6 digital microscope helps to make inspection, measurement analysis, and reporting of such challenging samples quicker and easier.



One example: Tilting the microscope helps:


  • DVM6 Tilted
  • Car air outlet panel. Tilt angle 0°
  • Car air outlet panel. Tilt angle -15°. Flaw clearly seen in tilted view.

Rapid and precise surface inspection.

Download your free digital copy now.  


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