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Effect of heating speed and environment on TG-DTA measurement results

2173 views - 03-11-2016, 5:25 pm

Effect of heating speed 




The graph above shows the effect of heating speed on TG-DTA measurement results


When the heating speed is increased, the final temperature of the weight reduction and  exothermic peak phase gets higher, and thus causes a lower resolution. On the other hand, the visible area of the exothermic peak on the DTA line increases. If you want to examine the small size peaks on the DTA line, you should choose at a high heating speed. 



Effect of measuring environment 

Static or dynamic environment


There are two purposes of air blowing to create a measuring environment

(1) To perform TG-DTA measurement in a special environment.

(2) To reduce the partial steam pressure of the gas generated during the reaction and thus promote the reaction to occur.

The gas flow in the TG-DTA measurement is normally 100 mL / ph and should be kept stable during the measurement.


Special measuring environment


Oxidizing environment  (air, oxygen (O2)), reducing environment (H2), inert gas environment (N2, Ar, He), halogen atmosphere and moist environment can be selected. However, it is important to note that a number of gases may react to the sample holder or incinerator. In addition, users also need to pay attention to fire and toxic safety issues when using these special gas environments.


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